On the road to search for Penguins!

2nd Grade Penguin Research

TASK: The Ecotarium in Worcester, Massachusetts, wants to purchase some new penguins for visitors to enjoy. Since Ms. Giuliani’s 2nd graders have been learning so much about penguins, the animal keepers have asked us to help them make a choice between these four kinds of penguins.






STEPS:  What do I need to do?

1. Choose 2 penguins and learn about them using the Internet Links
2. Answer the questions on the worksheet after researching
3. Choose the best penguin for the Ecotarium, and tell why it is the best choice


Please read the rest of the directions....                         


STEP 1:  Choose 2 penguins and learn about them using the Internet Links

You and your partner must find out as much information as you can to help the Ecotarium make a good decision for the right type of penguin. Choose TWO penguins to research, and then look for the answers to the questions below. 

STEP 2: Answer the questions on the worksheet after researching.


Print out the worksheet to use with your research.

Click here for worksheet, and then print!

1. Where does this kind of penguin live? Is it usually warm or cold in   this place?

2. How big will this kind of penguin grow?

3. What does this penguin like to eat?

4. How many eggs does a mother hatch each year?                                      

5. How long can this type of penguin live?

6. What are two interesting things that this penguin can do?
(Remember, people love to watch the penguins do neat stuff!)

To answer the questions, you may find information on the Internet (go to penguin link list ), on the CD-ROM encyclopedia in the LMC, or in books and magazines.


STEP 3: Choose the best penguin for the Ecotarium, and tell why it is the best choice

Once you have answered the questions, you will then have to make a choice as to which penguin the Ecotarium should get. You should think about:

·         Will the penguins live long lives and have many babies so that the Ecotarium will always have lots of penguins?

Choose the penguin you think the Ecotarium should have and then click HERE to print a worksheet for you to record your answers for the questions above.

Now that you can give your own reasons why the Ecotarium should choose the penguin you have picked for them.  Have fun with your answers.  Click HERE to print a worksheet.


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