WRITING/SPEAKING CHECKLIST  Date:                           


Student’s Name:                                                                                                


Peer Writer’s Name:                                                                                                            


Student Checklist for Flat Stanley stories

Please put a check in the boxes as you complete the work.


CATEGORY                          RESPONSIBILITIES


Capitalization                         I use both capital and lower case letters.
I capitalize proper nouns, like the names of people,

       pets, and places.
I capitalize the pronoun "I".
I capitalize important words in a title.
I capitalize the first word of a sentence.
I capitalize the first word in a direct quotation.


Capitalization                      I use both capital and lower case letters.

                                                I capitalize important words in a title.

I capitalize the first word of a sentence.
I capitalize the first word in a direct quotation


Conventions                        My handwriting is legible.
My printout contains no typos.
I leave white space between my words.
My sentences read from left to right.
My sentences begin in different ways.
Each sentence builds on the one(s) before it.
Each of my paragraphs has one main idea.
My sentences are complete (have noun and verb).     




The checklist continues on the back of this page.




WRITING/SPEAKING CHECKLIST (con’t)   Date:                       


Student’s Name:                                                                                                


Peer Writer’s Name:                                                                                                            


Student Checklist for Flat Stanley stories

Please put a check in the boxes as you complete the work.


CATEGORY                          RESPONSIBILITIES


Word Use                             Every word seems just right.


Ideas                                      I use brainstorming and a concept map or outline to

      create and organize my ideas.
I describe where my story takes place.
I describe what the characters look like.
I describe what the characters feel.
My story has a beginning, middle, and end.
My introduction is exciting and inviting.
I have a satisfying conclusion.
I have listened to suggestions from the teacher or

       peer writers.
My ideas flow and are well connected.


How I Spoke to Others      I stood up straight.
My voice was easy to hear.
I did not talk too fast.
My voice showed I was interested, not bored.
I used my hands, face, and eyes to communicate.
I looked at my classmates, not at the floor.
I looked at everyone, not just one or two friends.
I smiled occasionally.
I did not fidget, rock back and forth, or pace.

I did not use empty words (um, uh, ah, mm, like).
I did not forget what I was saying.

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